Monday, August 1, 2011

Breaking Bad, "Open House": That's not who we are

My review/recap of last night's episode after I get peas and ice.

Another slow episode, but with a lot of meaning. It also seems like it was setting up a lot of major storylines for the rest of the season. The major theme of the episode was who is the one in control.

The episode opens with Walt showing up to work at the meth lab and pouring himself coffee. He notices that there is a new camera in the lab that follows Walt wherever he goes.

Skyler shows up at Walt's apartment and notices his black eye that he got from Mike in their bar fight. She asks him if they are in any danger, and he tells her that it was the result of a fight he had with a business partner and that there is nothing to worry about.

Marie is at an open house and after some questions by the real estate agent, she gives him a fake name and make up an elaborate life story. After returning home with groceries, Hank yells at her for mistaking Cheetos and Fritos. She tells him that she will go back to the store. Instead she goes to another open house. She gives another fake name and life story. As the real estate agent is cleaning up, she notices that one of the spoons in a collection owned by the homeowner is missing.

Walt and Skyler meet with Saul to discuss the money laundering. Saul suggests buying a nail saloon. Skyler wants to try for the car wash again. They brainstorm ways to get Mr. Bogdan to sell the car wash. Skyler says no to Saul's suggestions of going after him for taxes and immigration. Walt suggests going for another car wash, but Skyler is adamant about Mr. Bogdan's car wash. She tells him what Mr. Bogdan said about Walt, which angers him.

Jesse goes go-karting by himself, and afterwards goes back to his house, which has turned into a drug den. He lights a cigarette and sits down on the couch, while everything else happens around him.

Marie goes to another open house, giving another fake name and story. The real estate agent from the last house is there and follows her to the street. She calls the police and they wrestles over Marie's purse. It breaks and other stolen items fall out. Hank gets a call from Marie, who has been arrested, and he says he will make a phone call. The home owners won't press charges and Marie is let go.

While cleaning up, Skyler has an idea and calls Saul. Mr. Bogdan is being told by a state agent that his soap is going into the ground water and that he will need to shut down and replace his filtration system. Skyler is in her car, feeding the "state agent" the information he needs.

Hank's detective friend comes over to his house. He wants Hank to help him investigate Gale's murder. He leaves a copy of Gale's notebook for Hank to look through.

Skyler and Walt wait by the phone, waiting for Bogdan to call. He eventually calls to see if she is still interested in buying the car wash. She tells him her offer is now $800,000 and hangs up. Walt doesn't like that she lowered the price, but Skyler says she is negotiating. He calls back, and takes the deal. They celebrate with a bottle of champagne. Walt says that it cost $320. Skyler gets mad, and says that Walt needs to be more careful because they are supposed to be broke.

Jesse is in his drug den house throwing money at a man who is sleeping. He throws a bill that lands in the man's mouth and is clearly excited by this. He then wakes everyone up and throws all of his money in the air and steps away to watch the people fight over the money.

Hank is sitting in bed, unable to fall asleep. He decides to pick up Gale's notebook and go through it. He seems very interested in it.

A good episode, but one that didn't have much action in it. If anything, it sets up some possible problems and stories for the rest of the season. The Whites now own the car wash and will be using it for money laundering. What is the reason for Marie acting the way she did? Is she trying to get attention from Hank? Is Jesse going to continue this downward spiral and become a body without any feelings? What will Hank find in Gale's notebook? How much longer can Walt (and now Skyler) keep this from Hank?

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