Thursday, August 4, 2011

Friends, "The One with the Breast Milk": Will people stop drinking the breast milk?

My review/recap of the September 28, 1995 episode after I take my grandmother to the vet.

Two episodes into the new season and we've had one very good episode and an okay episode. This one is the okay episode. Three storylines, but only one was really good, while the other two just happened.

The stand out storyline revolved around Rachel's jealously of Julie. Monica agrees to go shopping at Bloomingdale's with her, even though Phoebe and Chandler tell her it's a bad idea. They tell her that Rachel will be mad at her for hanging out with Julie. Monica goes anyway, and covers it up by telling Rachel that she went shopping with Phoebe.

After Rachel finds Monica's lunch receipt in her jacket pocket, Monica is tells Rachel that she has been hanging out with Julie. Rachel becomes very mad at Monica. At Central Perk Rachel tells Monica that she is sad because Julie has taken her potential boyfriend and is now taking her friend too. Monica tells her that no one could steal her away from her best friend. They make up and hug with Phoebe joining in. Monica tells Rachel that Julie isn't a bad person and she should get to know her.

Carol and Susan bring Ben over to Monica's apartment, where Carol starts breast feeding Ben in front of everyone. Chandler and Joey get very uncomfortable with the situation. Carol and Susan leave Ben with Ross, and while getting his bottle ready Phoebe and Joey both taste the breast milk, causing the rest of the group to freak out. When Carol and Susan return and find out, Susan tells Ross that she has tasted the breast milk. He then prepares to try it, but can't do it. At the end of the episode, he does eventually try it, and says it's not that bad.

The storyline that really just came out of nowhere is Joey working at a department store as a cologne sample sprayer. A new employee, only known as the Hombre man (Joel Beeson) comes into his section and steals his clients and territory, while wearing a black cowboy costume. Joey gets even more mad at the Hombre man for stealing Annabelle (Emily Proctor, of CSI: Miami fame), a co-worker and potential date for Joey. The next day, the two have a stand off as the manager lets the first costumer in. The Hombre man is quicker than Joey but also sprays the first customer in the eye, leaving Joey has the "winner." Joey walks into the "sunset" with Annabelle.

Funniest parts of the episode:
  • Monica telling Rachel that she went shopping with Julie, as if they had sex and she cheated on Rachel
  • Joey walking into his apartment in the white cowboy costume
Not a great episode, because two of the storylines just came from nowhere. The Joey storyline especially didn't really fit into the feel of the rest of the episode. Also there wasn't much for Phoebe and Chandler to do in the episode. I guess you win some and you lose some, and this episode was a loss.

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