Wednesday, August 3, 2011

The Sopranos, "Big Girls Don't Cry": That's the new pecking order

My review/recap of the February 13, 2000 after I crack my head open on a cigarette machine.

Change is happening in Tony's crew, especially with Furio coming to America from Italy. Some people are excited about Furio, while others seems to be jealous. Christopher seems to be maturing (at least in his side job of screenwriter).

The episode opens with Christopher attempting to pickup money from the owner of massage parlor, which also serves as a whore house. The owner only gives Christopher half of the money he owes (it is the third week that he has done so). Christopher gives him some attitude, but takes the shortened payment.

Tony, Silvio, and Paulie are eating at Nuovo Vesuvio, when Tony tells them that Furio will be coming to America to work for him. Tony asks Artie to hire him as a mozzarella-maker to help Furio gain citizenship. Artie reluctantly agrees, after Tony says that he will pay his wages.

Tony promotes Paulie and Silvio to captain and consiglieri respectively. He tells Paulie that they will report to him directly and that Furio and Pussy are below them and will report to Paulie and Silvio.

Tony finds out that Janice is attempting to use Livia's house to secure a loan. He goes over to the house to approach her, but Richie answers the door in his boxers. He tells Tony that Janice is at the store and offers to make Tony breakfast. Tony doesn't like the attention that Richie is giving to Janice, but Richie tells him that they are adults. Janice comes home and tells Tony the loan is for renovating the house so that Livia can live there. Richie says that he will give her the money, and Tony tells Richie that Janice is his problem now if he wants to keep going out with her.

Tony has a party at his house for Furio arriving in America. Everyone seems to be infatuated with him, except for Pussy, who seems to be jealous of him. Junior and Bobby Bacala show up, but Carmela slams the door in their faces. Tony gives Furio his first assignment: to deal with the owner of the massage parlor/whore house.

Adriana enrolls Christopher in an acting class for his birthday.While acting out a scene from Rebel Without a Cause, Christopher becomes very emotional and cries. He storms out of the room, even though the rest of the class is very impressed with his acting. During the next class, Christopher and another student, Mitch (Robert Prescott) practice an acting exercise, and Christopher beats him up. Adriana suggests that the exercise reminded him of his father's murder and how upset he felt not having a father growing up. Later that night, Christopher throws out all of his papers and discs for his screenplay You Bark, I Bite.

While on his boat with Irina, Tony gets in to a fight with a Russian boat owner who was next to them. The man tells Irina in Russian that she should find a Russian man if she doesn't want to fight. Tony goes over to the man's boat and squeezes his testicles. Tony and Irina run away from the scene, after the other man's wife threatens to call the police. Tony goes to visit Hesh, to tell him the story, and tells him that he has been seeing a psychiatrist. Tony tries to use Hesh as his new therapist, but Hesh is not interested and talks about other things instead. He does tell Tony, that Tony's father also suffered from panic attacks, and would occasionally pass out, but in those days it was a "condition," and not something serious.

Pussy, Paulie, and Furio are eating at Nuovo Vesuvio, when Johnny Sack comes to meet Furio and to talk business. Paulie asks Pussy to leave the table because he is a soldier and is not supposed to hear these things. This angers Pussy, and he meets with Skip, to tell him all about it, and how no one has respect or honor anymore.

Melfi contemplates taking Tony back as a patient with her own therapist, Dr. Kupferberg. She tells him about the dream she had about Tony getting into a car accident. She says her dream is a result of her not being there to help him. As Tony is waiting in the car while Furio does his first assignment, by beating them both up and shooting the owner in the leg, Melfi calls Tony that she has an open appointment next week for him. He declines, saying that he has been doing good without her, but he eventually shows up for the appointment

Sign of the Times: Christopher using floppy discs to save his script

This was another one of those middle-of-the-road Sopranos episodes. It was good to see scary Richie again, and Furio seems like he will be a good addition to the crew, but there just seemed to be a lot of "fluff" in the episode. The Christopher storyline was interesting, but it seemed a little out of place with the rest of the episode. We are a little less than halfway through the season, and nothing big or important has really happened yet.

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