Monday, July 25, 2011

Friends, "The One with Two Parts": Um yeah, twin thing

My review/recap of the February 23, 1995 hour-long episode after I don't think scrunchie is a word.

Good plots in this extra long episode. There are 5 storylines, and 4 of them were good. The only one that doesn't work is limited to only the first half of the episode, so we were able to focus more on the good ones.

The bad (not interesting) storyline is Chandler unable to fire Nina (Jennifer Grant) because he is attracted to her. He goes out with her, and thus refuses to fire her. When Chandler's boss sees her in the office, Chandler tells him that she is mentally unstable and he fears for her life if she was fired. She asks Chandler why people are acting strange around her, and he tells her it is because she is getting a raise. When he tells his secretary to send through the paperwork, Nina overhears the secretary ask if she should also send her psychological profile to human resources. Chandler ends up confessing to her, which leads to her stapling his hand to the desk.

The other storylines go on for the entire episode. Ross is worried about becoming a father. He is a failure in the Lamaz classes with Carol and Susan. At dinner with his father, Ross asks his father how he knew he would be a good father. Ross's father tells him it was the day after Ross was born and the nurses gave baby Ross to his father to hold and baby Ross grabbed his finger with his hand. Ross and Chandler are discussing this while playing Scrabble, Marcel starts choking because he has been swallowing the Scrabble tiles. They rush him to the hospital where they demand that he gets the same care as a human. While Marcel is recovering he grabs Ross's finger with his hand and Ross knows that he will be a good father.

Joey meets Phoebe's identical sister Ursula (also played by Lisa Kudrow), and he falls in love with her. He asks Phoebe if it is okay for him to date her. She says yes, but tells the rest of the group that her sister always makes her feel neglected. The group tells her it is okay because Joey and Ursula haven't slept together, so she can still tell them how she feels. She goes to Joey's, but Ursula answers the door half-naked. Joey keeps going out with Ursula and neglected Phoebe, and he doesn't even show up to her surprise birthday party. Ursula starts to distance herself from Joey, and Phoebe doesn't want Joey to suffer. She dresses as her sister and breaks up with Joey for her. Joey gives her "one last kiss." Joey realizes it is Phoebe, who then realizes what she did for him.

While taking down their Christmas lights, Rachel hurts her ankle. Monica takes Rachel to the hospital, and Monica and Rachel swap names so that Rachel can use Monica's insurance. They ask the two doctors who help them (George Clooney as Dr. Mitchell and Noah Wyle as Dr. Rosen - their characters from ER) on a date. The date goes wrong because Monica and Rachel have to keep pretending that they are the other one. Rachel's "Monica" talks about how she was fat in high school and is bossy, while Monica's "Rachel" talks about how spoiled she is. The next day they have to go back to the hospital, because they forgot to sign one of the forms.    

Funniest parts of the episode:
  • Ross introducing himself, Carol, and Susan at the Lamaze class
  • Ross acting as a mother in the Lamaze class
  • Ross dropping the cake when he is surprised for Phoebe's birthday party
  • Rachel and Monica's date with the doctors
Sign of the times: Crossover with the shows Mad About You (Helen Hunt's character Jamie Buchman) shows up at Central Perk, and the aforementioned ER characters

For an extra-long episode, it was good. It only had one bad storyline (and fortunately it was only in one half of the episode), and all of the characters had something to do. Also, Lisa Kudrow actually had to do some acting as she played two characters. The running gag of Monica and Rachel's television being stuck in the Spanish language setting because Marcel changed it on the remote and they couldn't turn it back was pretty funny. It also had touching moments, like Marcel grabbing Ross's finger and Phoebe and Joey kissing.

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